
There must be as many symbolic meanings to the arrow as there are different civilizations. However, framing the arrow in modern urban spaces or natural landscapes brings new conotations, with multi-layered meanings that go way beyond a purely documentary vision. The visitor is all of a sudden in the middle of an action. Everywhere and nowhere, elsewhere and here, but by all means very unique and free on the crossroads of infinite possibilities and directions.

Simbolnih pomenov puščice v najrazličnejših ikonografskih motivih je verjetno toliko, kot je različnih civilizacij. Vendar pa jim okvirjanje puščice v sodobnih urbanih ali naravnih okoljih daje nove konotacije. Njihova površina postane večdimenzionalna, kar presega čisti dokumentarni pogled. Gledalec se nenadoma znajde v središču dogajanja. Povsod in nikjer, drugje in tukaj, vsekakor pa zelo svoj in svoboden na križiščih neskončnih možnosti in smeri.


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