
A modern civilization is characterized by the increasing trend of mobility. Travelled distances are getting longer and speeds of moving are getting faster. It is not just a place and time which merge during rapid movements, but also is observer’s perception of surrounding spaces merged with the physical motion itself. Capturing motion in a photograph dematerializes and relocates the objects we regard as static and solid. In such a process, photography has ability to translocate observer’s perception in such a time-space relationship and merge inner and outer space what suggests the idea of relativity and impermanence.


V sodobni civilizaciji se vse pogosteje premikamo. Med potovanji, ki so tudi vse hitrejša, se ne zlivata le čas in prostor, ampak tudi opazovalčevo zaznavanje obdajajočega prostora in fizično gibanje samo. Beleženje gibanja s fotografijo dematerializira in delocira predmete, ki jih sicer dojemamo kot statične in trdne. Pri tem ima fotografija sposobnost, da translocira opazovalčeve zaznave v takšni časovno-prostorski zvezi, obenem pa povezuje notranji in zunanji prostor, kar sugerira idejo relativnosti in nestalnosti.

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